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Luis Felipe Alarcón

Coordinator of the Centre for the Humanities Diego Portales University

Luis Felipe Alarcón is Coordinator of the Center for the Humanities at Diego Portales University. He holds an MPhil in Contemporary Thought from Diego Portales University and a PhD in Philosophy from the École Normale Supérieur in Paris. His main area of research is the relationship between philosophy and literary theory in postwar France, taking a deconstructive approach. He has published academic papers in journals in France, United States, Argentina, and Chile. Luis Felipe is the author of the chapter dedicated to G.W.F. Hegel in the Dictionnaire Blanchot (Honoré Champion, 2022). He has also translated books by Jean-Luc Nancy, Maurice Blanchot, Serge Margel, Michaël Foessel, among others, from French to Spanish. He has been assistant professor at Universidad de Chile, Adolfo Ibañez University and Alberto Hurtado University. He is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of Diego Portales University, and assistant professor of its Center for the Humanities. He is currently completing a study on the influence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and D.A.F. Sade in French contemporary thought.