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Martin Hopenhayn

Professor of Philosophy Diego Portales University

Martin Hopenhayn is a researcher, lecturer and professor at the Centro for the Humanities of Diego Portales University. He studied philosophy in Paris VIII during the 1970s and was supervised by Gilles Deleuze on his thesis on Nietzsche and the Problem of Decadence. He has worked since 1980 in Santiago, Chile, as a lecturer, writer and researcher in philosophy and sociology. He worked from 1988 to 2014 at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), where he was Director of the Social Development Division from 2008 to 2014. He was awarded the LASA Essay Award (Latin American Studies Association) for his book Ni apocalípticos ni integrados: aventuras de la modernidad en América Latina (1994, 1997), which appeared i English version with Duke University Press. He has lectured at conferences and seminars for the last thirty years across Latin America as well as in United States and Spain (Cornell University, Casa de América, Universidad de El Estoril, among others). In Chile, he has been professor at the Universidad de Chile, Universidad ARCIS, and since 2017, at Diego Portales University. He has published ten books and over 100 articles, and is known as both an essay writer and a social scientist. His main topics are: global cultural changes; the impact of new patterns of production and communication on the social fabric; contemporary postmodern and post-structuralist philosophy; the sociology of youth; shifts in development paradigms; and social gaps and socioeconomic trends in Latin America. He actively participated in the International Panel on Social Progress between 2016 and 2018 and collaborated with one of the substantial chapters included the final report (published by Cambridge University Press). He has been a permanent member and lecturer of the Foro Iberoamérica, by invitation of its founder and writer Carlos Fuentes, since 2000.